10 pravidel proti šikaně
10 rules that we choose against bullying:
1/ Nobody has a right to hurt.
2/ We respect one another.
3/ We have no tolerance for the bully.
4/ It’s easy to bully, but the really strong help others.
5/ Bullying? Be smart, don’t start.
6/ Be a buddy, not a bully.
7/ Bullies are not cool, they are just cruel.
8/ We will not bully others.
9/ If you don’t stand up for yourself, you are letting the bully win!
10/ We will try to include students who are left out.
Užitečné informace
Gymnázium Josefa Božka, Český Těšín, p.o.
Frýdecká 689/30
737 01 Český Těšín
IČ: 62331639
IZO: 000601578